We have been selling on our site for over three years (since 2021).

Our customer reviews on Trustpilot: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/lolunranked.com

Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/fpzvadUjm5

Ranked is League’s competitive game mode that pits teams of five players against each other. It’s the competitive equivalent of the Summoner’s Rift normal draft mode. Ranked is only available to players who have reached level 30 and own at least 20 different champions. It takes the average League of Legends player around one month to level up to level 30. Save your time and get a smurf.
You will get username, password and full access to account. Since email is not verified in our accounts, you can log in and verify your own email address and change password of the account without the need for a security code.

After completing the payment, the account information is automatically delivered by our system.

You can find your new account in the “Your license key(s)”-box.

Completed Order Email Template

The account credentials will be always send to the e-mail, which is you declared when ordering. Also, you can see it at order completed page.


You can create an account before purchasing to reach your orders and login credentials easily. 


All you need to do is login to https://leagueoflegends.com, navigate to settings and just simply change them.

Please check the following:

  • We only accept payments for cards that support 3D Secure.
  • Are you using a vpn? – Please turn it off
  • Are you using a proxy? – Please don’t use it
  • Are you a robot? – just stop being one
    If you still need help, please use our Contact-site.

Accounts are leveled up with 3rd party software (“bot”) and there is a low risk of ban due to this operation. The warranty period starts at the time of delivery and it is not possible to extend it. During this time, if the user has taken the necessary steps to reduce the risk of ban and the account is suspended due to “botting” (ban code: 2203 / AC_BOTTING_PERMANENT), a new account will be replaced once.

Use our Contact-site and if you got banned for botting within your warranty, we will replace your account once. Please note that inting, trolling, using an inappropriate summoner name, deranking or contacting the riot support will void your warranty.

To reduce ban risk:

  • Change email and password before start playing (Preferably one, that wasn’t used with an another Riot Account)

  • Use some blue essence and change your summoner name, before you play!

  • Change your RIOT ID (Most important step)

  • Don’t play ranked immediately. Play 4-5 normal ‘blind pick’ summoners rift 5v5 or ARAM games before playing ranked.

  • Don’t chat ingame. The more you stand out, the higher the chances are you get reported / ticketed.

  • Do not contact with Riot Support.

  • Fast league climbing  is not recommended on botted accounts

  • Never open a support ticket. Riot will investigate your account and you will high likely get banned.